Call for Submissions
The Gateway History Journal is looking for submissions for our 2025 issue and would like to invite all students to submit history essays for our 24th volume! We have just extended the submission deadline, so now is your opportunity to submit!
Gateway is run by undergraduate students at Washington University in St. Louis. We produce one annual issue showcasing the five best pieces of undergraduate scholarship that we receive.
In order to be considered for publication, all paper submissions should adhere to the following criteria:
- Papers must be between 10-35 pages in length (double-spaced), NOT including footnotes and works cited page(s).
- Papers must follow the Chicago Manual of Style guidelines.
Papers are not restricted by topic, region, or time period.
Submissions are will open sometime between December and January.
About the Journal
The Gateway History Journal provides undergraduate students an opportunity to demonstrate their exceptional history research, analysis, and writing. The Editorial Board prides itself on reviewing and publishing a diversity of submissions. The Gateway accepts submissions from all universities and does not impose topical or temporal restrictions.
Typically, the Managing Editor issues a call for submissions in January. The call for submissions outlines the submission requirements and the submission deadline. Once the submission deadline passes, the Editorial Board conducts a double-blind review to determine which submissions to select for publication. Editors then works with writers to improve the articles through a rigorous revision process. The Editorial Board aims to publish The Gateway in May.
Editorial Board
The 2023-2024 Editorial Board includes the following students:
Ryan Altman |
Taryn Dixon |
Toni John |
Elaheh Khazi |
Rekha Morgan |
Mia Powell |
Yash Rajana |
Bonnie Segel |
Don Ung |
Julia Zarkower |

For any questions or to enter a submission, please contact the Gateway History Journal.