Minor Requirements
Units required: 18
The Medical Humanities minor may be declared in Workday as early as the spring semester of a student’s freshman year.
Freshman Courses
- The Art of Medicine [freshmen only]
- First-Year Seminar: Stories of Medicine* [freshmen only]
Course Requirements
Students are required to take 5 core courses. At least 9 units must be taken at the 3000 level or above. Students must take courses from at least 2 out of the 7 different disciplinary categories: Classics & Art History (CAH); History (HIS), Medicine, Race, and Ethnicity (MRE); Languages/Literature/Culture (LLC); Performing Arts & Music (PAM); Philosophy & Religious Studies (PHR); and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS). Core courses may also require additional prerequisites within their home departments or programs. Students can take up to 3 units (usually one class) of a designated affiliate course in a social-science or natural-science discipline. All courses must be taken for grade to count for the minor.
Core Courses:
Include but are not limited to. Check Workday for active listings.
- Advanced Medical French (LLC)
- The AIDS Epidemic: Inequalities, Ethnography, and Ethics (WGSS, MRE)
- Ancient Greek and Roman Gynecology (CAH)
- Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine (CAH)
- Ancient Madness (CAH)
- Art and the Mind-Brain (PHR)
- The Art of Health in Nice [French language prerequisites] (LLC)
- Biomedical Ethics (MRE)
- Contemporary Women’s Health/Gender and Health (WGSS)
- Current Topics in the History of Medicine (HIS)
- Disability Studies Before “Disability” [Topics in French Literature] [French language prerequisites] (LLC)
- Disease, Madness and Death Italian-Style (LLC)
- Freshman Seminar: Global Health in the Francophone World (LLC/MRE)
- From Hysteria to Hysterectomy: Women's Health Care in America (WGSS)
- Galen's "On Prognosis": A Social History of Medicine in Second-Century Rome (LLC)
- Gender, Religion, Medicine, & Science (WGSS)
- Health and Disease in World History (HIS)
- Healing and Social Justice (WGSS)
- Historical Methods-European History (HIS)
- Historical Racial Violence: Legacies & Reckonings (MRE)
- History of the Body [Advanced Seminar] (HIS)
- Humors, Pox, and Plague: Medieval and Early Modern Medicine (HIS)
- In Depth: Care Work (LLC)
- Literature and Medicine (LLC)
- Making Sex and Gender: Understanding the History of the Body (HIS)
- Mad: Mental Illness, Power and Resistance in Africa and the Caribbean [Advanced Seminar] (MRE)
- Mamma Mia!: Motherhood, Maternity, and the Female Reproductive Body in the Italian Cultural Context (LLC)
- Medical Narratives, Narrative Medicine [French language prerequisites] (LLC)
- Medical French [French language prerequisites] (LLC)
- Medical Spanish [Spanish language prerequisites] (LLC)
- Medicine, Healing and Experimentation in the Contours of Black History (HIS/MRE)
- Medicine, Disease, and Empire [Advanced Seminar] (HIS/MRE)
- Nature, Technology, and Medicine in Korea (LLC)
- Philosophy of Medicine (PHR)
- Presence in Performance: Alexander Technique and Mindful Movement for Performing Artists (PAM)
- Religion, Health, and Wellness in Modern America (PHR)
- Religion & Healing (PHR)
- Mental Health and Mental Illness: Philosophical Questions [PNP Seminar] (PHR)
- Sex in Italian Culture and Media (LLC)
- Staging Illness (PAM)
- The Racial and Sexual Politics of Public Health (MRE, WGSS)
- Thinking-It-Through: Transplants [French language prerequisites] (LLC)
- Bodies in Pain: Disability and Illness in the Nineteenth Century (LLC)
- Trans Studies (WGSS)
- What Is Medical Humanities? (can count for any disciplinary category)
- Women and Crime in the Evolution of American History (HIS/MRE)
- Women, Health and Media (WGSS)
- Writing and Medicine (LLC)
Affiliate Courses:
Include but are not limited to. Check Workday for active listings.
- Anthropological Perspectives on the Fetus
- Adventures in Nosology: The Nature and Meaning of Disease
- Culture, Illness, and Healing in Asia
- Cultures of Health in Latin America
- Disability, Quality of Life & Community Responsibility
- The Female Life-Cycle in Cross-Cultural Perspective
- Gender, Culture and Madness
- Global Health and Language
- Health, Healing and Ethics: Introduction to Medical Anthropology
- Inequality by Design: Understanding Racial & Ethnic Health Disparities in the United States
- Introduction to Global Health
- Living, Dying and Death: A Biopsychosocial Approach to Understanding the End of Life
- Sick Society: Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities in the United States
- Sociological Approaches to American Health Care
- Topics in Medical Humanities in East Asia: Illness, Healing and the Body in East Asia
This list will be updated frequently. Please contact Hannah Ryan with any questions about minor requirements.