Richard Harrod
Status: Post-Qualification, ABD

Richard Harrod is a PhD Candidate in the department of history at Washington University in St. Louis. His research focuses broadly on the social and political history of the nineteenth and twentieth-century Middle East and Indian Ocean, with special concentration on the Arab World. Within these larger contours, he concentrates on the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf, particularly the regions that are present-day Yemen and Oman.
His education and research have been generously supported by the WashU history department, the Walter and Karla Goldschmidt Foundation, the Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center, New York University Abu Dhabi, The Center for Arabic Studies Abroad, and the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC). He has studied Arabic at the University of Chicago Summer Language Institute, the Middlebury College Arabic School, the Sultan Qaboos Institute for the Teaching of Arabic to Non-Native Speaker in Oman, and the Qasid Institute in Jordan.
Richard earned a BA in history and classics from Monmouth College (Illinois), an MA in Middle Eastern studies from the University of Chicago, and an AM in history from WashU.
His article “The Sulṭān’s Treatise: Development and Contending Visions of Oman’s Future in the Late-Nineteen Sixties” is forthcoming in The Journal of Arabian Studies.