Reformers and Radicals: Feminist Thinking through History
We focus on feminist thought in Western culture but also examine nonWestern ideas about feminisms. We trace the relationship among emergent feminist ideas and such developments as the rise of scientific methodology, Enlightenment thought, revolutionary movements and the gendering of the political subject, colonialism, romanticism, socialism, and global feminisms. Readings are drawn from both primary sources and recent feminist scholarship on the texts under consideration. NOTE: This course is in the core curriculum for the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies graduate certificate. Permission of instructor required. Prerequisite: Completion of at least one Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies course or permission of the instructor. STUDENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN L77 475 INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF FEMINISM CAN NOT TAKE THIS CLASS.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM; AS SD I; FA HUM; AR HUM; AS SC
Section 01
Reformers and Radicals: Feminist Thinking through History - 01