Seminar: Perceptions of Time and Place in Early Modern England


This seminar analyses perceptions of time and place in England, c.1500-1800, and their relationship to both personal and social identity. These issues will be explored using appropriate theoretical and substantive readings and both visual and textual primary sources. Particular attention will be given to the use of visual images as historical evidence. Specific issues addressed include the development of cartography, chorography and antiquarianism; conventions of time reckoning and the dating of events; perceptions of the life course; the creation of social memory and historical narratives; representations of social place; agrarian change and the transformation of the landscape; the impact of the Reformation on the calendar, the landscape, and senses of the past; and representations of previously unknown places and peoples. Primary sources for discussion include maps and prospects; chorographical surveys; illustrated antiquarian writings; almanacs; pictorial representations of notable events; engravings; paintings (portraits; 'country house portraits'; landscapes; 'conversation pieces'; history painting and 'documentary' works); memorials; family histories; extracts from court records.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM; FA HUM; AR HUM

Section 01

Seminar: Perceptions of Time and Place in Early Modern England
View Course Listing - FL2023